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Our people

Ken McAlpine - Managing Director

Ken is a specialist in local and international public affairs and regulatory matters, with almost two decades of experience in these areas. Ken provides practical and astute strategic advice and representation in the areas of corporate affairs, government relations, communications and stakeholder management. 

His previous experience includes: 

  • Director of Public Affairs, Asia-Pacific, for Vestas, the world’s leading wind energy company, heading public affairs and communications strategy across the region and working closely with senior staff globally and regionally as a member of the Australian management team.
  • Board member of two leading industry associations, the Clean Energy Council and the New Zealand Wind Energy Association.
  • Government relations consultant at the Enhance Group, advising on large infrastructure projects and developing government relations strategies for local and foreign investors looking to engage with ministers, public servants, political staff and the media.
  • Chief of Staff and policy adviser during the Victorian Bracks/Brumby government, working in the Energy, Resources, Industry, Aviation, Major Projects and Information & Communications Technology portfolios.
  • Commercial and regulatory lawyer for Deacons (now Norton Rose Fulbright) focusing on the energy, infrastructure, defence and franchising sectors.

Jenny Cas, Communications Specialist

Jenny is a skilled writer and editor who can accurately craft a desired message or impression. She has worked extensively in the education sector as a writer, editor, consultant and teacher and has been regularly published. She has a keen eye for detail.

Jenny has also worked as a commercial lawyer at Ebsworth and Ebsworth, providing timely and accurate advice to clients in the insurance industry and liaising with a range of stakeholders. 

She holds a Bachelor of Laws with Honours, a Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Diploma of Education.